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The gall group was created in the CNPq database in 2009 and have the

Professors Rosy Isaias and Denis Oliveira as heads.

Professor Rosy M. S. Isaias. Full professor at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; Doctor in Sciences (Botany) by the Universidade de São Paulo (1998). Former Coordinator of the Plant Biology Graduation Program of UFMG (level 6 - CAPES) from 2016-2019. Current CNPq Researcher (level 1B); Expertized in Botany, with special emphasis on Plant Anatomy and Histochemistry. Main interests are focused in Plant development, Anatomy and Histochemistry of Galls, and Plant Cell Responses to the Activity of Galling Herbivores. Also interested in Environmental Education. Mother's license was taken in the year 2000.

Professor Denis C. Oliveira. Associate Professor at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) – Institute of Biology; Doctor in Sciences (Plant Biology) by the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2010). Current Coordinator and Supervisor at the Ecology Graduate Program at UFU. Expertized in Botany, with emphasis in Plant anatomy and Development. Main interests are on plant anatomy, morphology, cytology, plant physiology, insect galls, histochemistry and immunocytochemistry. Current CNPq Researcher (level 2).

Professor Narciso Aguilera. Professor and Researcher at the Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad de Concepción (UdeC), Chile; Doctor in Biological Sciences, with specialization in Botany by the UdeC. Expertized in “Applied Semiochemistry”, and mainly interested in biotic relationships mediated by chemical compounds between invader Fabaceae and native species. Also interested in the development of biopesticides. Current coordinator of the “Red de Fabáceas Invasoras en Iberoamérica”.

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Professor Renê G. S. Carneiro. Adjunct Professor at the Universidade Federal de Goiás; Doctor in Sciences (Biological Sciences - 2015) by the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Expertized in Botany, with emphasis in structural and metabolical alterations in plants as response to insect-Induced galls. Interested in studying plant cell biology using techniques of Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy, Chemical and Histochemical analyses to evaluate structural-functional traits of plant organs.

Professor Bruno G. Ferreira. Adjunct Professor at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Doctor in Sciences (Biological Sciences - 2017) by the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Part of the PhD was conducted at the Molecular Biology Department, Cell Biology Area, in the Universidad de León (ULe), Spain (2015-2016). Expertized in Botany, with emphasis in Plant Anatomy, Histology, Cytology and Physiology, and focus in development, oxidative stress in plants, plant-insect interactions, nematoda, acari and insect-induced galls. Also interested in developing the study on methods for plant histology and histochemistry.


Professor Edgard A. T. Picoli. Associate Professor at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa; Doctor in Genetics and Plant Breeding (2005), with Pos-Doctorate in Agricultural Entomology in EMBRAPA Milho e Sorgo. Expertized in Agronomy and Plant Biology, with emphasis in plant anatomy and biotechinology. Interested in genetic improvement, plant tissue culture, molecular biology, plant cytology, and plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses.

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Dra. Gracielle P. P. Bragança. Dr. Gracielle P. P. Bragança.  Biologist, Master and Doctor in Plant Biology by the Universidade Federal de Gerais.  Post-Doctoral position in the web of studies on ecosystem services (RESA).  Work with gall development, histochemistry immunocytochemistry, cytological profiles and environmental education.

Dra. Lúbia M. Guedes. Pos-Doctoral position in Projects of plant-plant and plant-insect interactions. Biologist from the Universidad de Oriente-Cuba, Master in Environmental Education from the Universidad de Granma-Cuba), and Doctor in Biological Scientes – Botany by the Universidad de Concepción-Chile. Expertized in Environmental Education, Entomology, Chemical Ecology, and Histochemistry, with emphasis in chemical interactions of invasive plants and galling insects in the South Region of Chile. Current project: "Structural and Chemical Alterations in Peumus boldus due to the activity of Dasineura sp.: effects on the synthesis of alkaloids, polyphenols and essential  oils and implications in biological activity".

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Dra. Elaine Costa. Doctor in Plant Biology (2021). Worked with galls on Mimosa spp. Main interests are on Developmental Plant Anatomy, Morphology, Cytology, and Insect-Plant Interactions.



Dr. Vitor Martini. Doctor in Ecology and Conservation of Natural Resources (2020).  Researcher on Ecology of Galls.


Dra. Nina C. Jorge. Biologist, Master and Doctor in Plant Biology (2022) by the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Specialist in gall development, mainly stem and rolling galls. Main interests are on Plant Anatomy, Histochemistry and Ecophysiology. Enthusiastic of Environmental Education and Scientifica Spreading.


Dra. Roberta Vilela. Researcher on Nematoda Galls, especially on cultivated host plants. 


Dra. Uiara Rezende. Researcher on Multitrophic Systems.

Doctorate Students

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Ana Flavia Melo

Cell Wall Profiles

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Filipe R. Valeriano
Galls on Morus

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Igor Arriola

Galls on Metallophytes


Patricia Dias

Chemical profiles

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Mariana Freitas

Galls on Mallus domestica


Leticia Nobrega

Gall anatomy


Phabliny Bomfim

Galls on Reproductive Organs


Pedro Gonçalves

Sexual Dimorphism in Galls


Ravena Nogueira

Gall Vascularization


Reisila Mendes

Fungi Galls

Master students


Christina Oliveira
Galls on Eugenia spp.


Guilherme CostaFernandes
Galls on Copaifera


Ivonette Fernandes

Galls on Veredas

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Ana Maria Santos Erinoses 

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Rayssa Marquesine
Gall Anatomy

Undergraduate students

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Alice Santos


Gabriela Martins UFRJ

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Pedro Barbosa

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Eduardo Rodrigues UFG


Leonardo Sant'Anna UFRJ


Matheus Souza

Gabriela Correa Kling
Izabella Hendrix/UFMG

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